Best and worst Star Trek things

Some of these choices really deserve explanations, but I’m not gonna explain any of them. No letters, please, thank you.


  1. The Original Series
  2. Voyager
  3. Deep Space 9 and Enterprise
  4. The Next Generation



  1. Spock
  2. Bones
  3. Kirk
  4. Scotty
  5. Chekov
  6. Uhura
  7. Sulu


  1. Worf
  2. Wesley
  3. Riker
  4. Data
  5. Dr. Crusher
  6. Picard
  7. Geordi
  8. Troi


  1. Quark
  2. Miles
  3. Bashir
  4. Odo
  5. Jake
  6. Jadzia
  7. Kira
  8. Sisko
  9. Ezri


  1. The Doctor
  2. Seven
  3. Paris
  4. Tuvok
  5. B’Elanna
  6. Janeway
  7. Harry
  8. Neelix
  9. Kes
  10. Chakotay


  1. Archer
  2. Trip
  3. T’Pol
  4. Hoshi
  5. Reed
  6. Travis
  7. Phlox

Characters by job

  • Captain: Kirk > Archer > Janeway > Sisko > Picard
  • Engineering: Miles > Trip > B’Elanna > Scotty > Geordi
  • Helm: Paris > Sulu > Travis
  • Security: Tuvok > Worf > Reed > Odo > Yar
  • Comm: Hoshi > Uhura
  • First Officer: Spock > Riker > T’Pol > Kira > Chakotay
  • Ensign: Wesley > Harry > Chekov
  • Food: Quark > Neelix
  • Counselor: Troi > Ezri
  • Whatever: Seven > Data > Jadzia > Jake > Kes

Best recurring characters

  1. Q
  2. Garak
  3. Weyoun
  4. Vic
  5. Nog

Episodes (ordered by air date)

Best TOS

  1. 1.14 “Balance of Terror”
  2. 1.19 “Tomorrow Is Yesterday”
  3. 1.28 “The City on the Edge of Forever”
  4. 2.15 “The Trouble with Tribbles”
  5. 3.01 “Spock’s Brain”
  6. 3.14 “Whom Gods Destroy”

Worst TOS

  1. 1.11 “The Menagerie”
  2. 1.27 “The Alternative Factor”
  3. 2.26 “Assignment: Earth”
  4. 3.10 “Plato’s Stepchildren”
  5. 3.20 “The Way to Eden”

Best TNG

  1. 3.13 “Déja Q”
  2. 4.14 “Clues”
  3. 5.05 “Disaster”
  4. 5.14 “Conundrum”
  5. 5.18 “Cause and Effect”
  6. 6.07 “Rascals”
  7. 6.15 “Tapestry”
  8. 6.21 “Frame of Mind”
  9. 7.11 “Parallels”
  10. 7.25 “All Good Things…”

Worst TNG

  1. 2.22 “Shades of Gray”
  2. 3.19 “Captain’s Holiday”

Best DS9

  1. 3.05 “Second Skin”
  2. 3.07 “Civil Defense”
  3. 4.08 “Little Green Men”
  4. 5.06 “Trials and Tribble-ations”
  5. 5.22 “Children of Time”
  6. 6.10 “The Magnificent Ferengi”
  7. 6.13 “Far Beyond the Stars”
  8. 7.08 “The Siege of AR-558”
  9. 7.10 “It’s Only a Paper Moon”

Worst DS9

  1. 1.11 “The Nagus”
  2. 3.08 “Meridian”
  3. 4.09 “The Sword of Kahless”
  4. 4.20 “Shattered Mirror”
  5. 4.21 “The Muse”
  6. 6.20 “His Way”
  7. 6.21 “The Reckoning”
  8. 6.23 “Profit and Lace”
  9. 7.11 “Prodigal Daughter”

Best VOY

  1. 1.06 “Eye of the Needle”
  2. 2.06 “Twisted”
  3. 2.17 “Dreadnought”
  4. 3.08 “Future’s End”
  5. 3.23 “Distant Origin”
  6. 3.25 “Worst Case Scenario”
  7. 4.08 “Year of Hell”
  8. 4.14 “Message in a Bottle”
  9. 5.10 “Counterpoint”
  10. 5.24 “Relativity”
  11. 6.04 “Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy”
  12. 7.07 “Body and Soul”

Worst VOY

  1. 4.04 “Nemesis”
  2. 5.12 “Bride of Chaotica!”
  3. 5.19 “The Fight”
  4. 6.11 “Fair Haven”
  5. 6.17 “Spirit Folk”
  6. 6.23 “Fury”

Best ENT

  1. 1.19 “Acquisition”
  2. 3.18 “Azati Prime”
  3. 4.04 “Borderland”
  4. 4.11 “Observer Effect”

Worst ENT

  1. 3.03 “Extinction”



  1. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  2. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  3. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  4. Star Trek V: The Camping One
  5. Star Trek I: The Motion Picture
  6. Star Trek VI: The Klingon One


  1. First Contact
  2. Insurrection
  3. Nemesis
  4. Generations


  1. Star Trek Beyond
  2. Star Trek
  3. Star Trek Into Darkness


  1. ENT
  2. TOS
  3. TNG
  4. VOY
  5. DS9

Theme Songs

  1. DS9
  2. ENT
  3. TNG
  4. VOY
  5. TOS


  1. W
  2. H
  3. O
  4. C
  5. A
  6. R
  7. E
  8. S