You see, we’ve always belonged to the Church of Religious Science, which is more a way of life than a religion. If we miss church on Sunday, nothing bad is going to happen, we can practice what we believe at home.
Janelle Dolenz
That’s really the way it should be. When you think about it, a lot of the bad parts of religion is the meta stuff–like people trying to make money off of the whole thing–and if people could forget about all that and just practice what is preached, religion wouldn’t be so bad.
I love how there’s all this stuff in the teen magazines about “Mike wants to name the new baby Igor!” when the baby’s actual name turned out to be basically John.

This song from 1998 was used in a movie from 2000 in a scene that takes place in 1967 and yet, it reminds me so much of 2003.
Every few months, I’ll add a batch of new songs to iTunes. I’m listening to the new batch on shuffle, and a song comes on that I don’t recognize. I think to myself “this is shit, why is this in here?” And then I realize it’s The Monkees.
I’m just gonna start pretending every Q.
is actually Q:
and read all the questions in his voice.
Q: What religions are the Monkees? This has been bugging me for a long time.
Q: Is Davy really homesick? I hope he doesn’t feel blue ’cause when he’s blue, I’m blue.
Q: Where can I write to Ronny Howard? I think he’s neat.
Honestly, I feel like my Monkees site CMS is more complex than any website I’ve ever worked on professionally.

Micky is telling the Hyde Park story, and he mentions Princess Margaret in passing, but you can just see in his eyes that he’s gonna tell that story again.