1×6 “Estrogen”

A woman wants to be a war hero.
A man wants to be better at picking up chicks, so Roarke turns him into one.

I’ve got a baaad feeling about this one.

Inspector Bill Turkel: I’m here because I have to give Roarke a performance review.


Roarke: That’s funny; I don’t remember hearing the bell.

Harry: Sir, Amelia radioed and said there was an uninvited guest on the plane.

So the pilot’s name is Amelia… euh.

Roarke: She wants to fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a war hero.
Cal: How’s she gonna do that? She’s a girl. No offense.

Mary Wilcox: My family’s been in the military since the Civil War. My great-grandfather was decorated at Belleau Woods, my grandfather in Normandy, and my dad in Vietnam.

I’m glad I looked at the IMDb page first today, because Mary Wilcox is played by Christine Elise, who was in China Beach, where she played the daughter of a Vietnam veteran.

Fisher: You can’t be any happier with your employment situation than I am with mine. Let’s be honest. Our lives would be much easier without you-know-who.
Cal: You want to get rid of Roarke?

Roarke: I had to create a world where you’d be accepted in combat.

So they still didn’t have women in combat in 1998? …they do now though… right?

Why couldn’t Roarke just create a combat group who weren’t sexist, instead of reversing the genders of everyone in WWII?

Stan Rawlings as Brenda: Why are you crying?
Tamara: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg.

Haha, I just watched this movie a few weeks ago. Tamara explains what’s happening in the movie, and they don’t actually show the scene, but she does accurately describe the scene that we can hear playing.

Ariel: You’re experiencing what so many women feel; as much as you’d like to pound the crap out of a man, you know it’s just not practical.

This army fantasy is very like the original series in that I am completely ignoring it.

Roarke: Despite radiation and chemotherapy, Miss Wilcox’s breast cancer had metastasized throughout her body. The doctor had given her just a month to live. Miss Wilcox’s real fantasy was not to be a hero, but to die one, which indeed, she did.

Umm they just killed a guest.

  • Guests:
    • Dave Sullivan and Stan Rawlings
    • Mary Wilcox
  • First name basis:
    • Roarke: Hello, Bill. It’s nice to see you again.
  • Roarke’s powers: He shrinks Fisher and puts him in a pneumatic tube.
  • Magic object:
    • [An apple falls from a tree.]
      Take a bite.
    • [Ariel hands Stan a mushroom.]
      Ariel: Take a bite.
  • Not what I asked for:
    • Roarke: You wanted to be inside a woman’s head; I put you there. Ooh, gorgeous legs. Very per–
      Stan Rawlings as Brenda: Hey! If I thought this is what you were gonna do, I never would have asked for this in the first place.
  • Recurring phrases:
    • Roarke: Inspector indeed.
    • Roarke: Miss Wilcox’s real fantasy was not to be a hero, but to die one, which indeed, she did.
  • Greek mythology:
    • Ariel: Mr. Rawlings, I’d like to tell you a story. A story about a woman named Demeter. She was a woman with many magic powers. One day, she got mad at a boy, and changed him into a lizard.
      Stan Rawlings: Oh, this is a myth.
      Ariel: A myth? No. She’s a friend of mine.
  • He’s dead, Jim:
    • Roarke: Despite radiation and chemotherapy, Miss Wilcox’s breast cancer had metastasized throughout her body. The doctor had given her just a month to live.
  • What you really, really want:
    • Roarke: Miss Wilcox’s real fantasy was not to be a hero, but to die one, which indeed, she did.
  • Ariel’s disguise: Marcia Crandall, Inspector Turkel’s love interest
  • Age gap:
    • Kristin Bauer: 31 / Stan Cahill: 34 = 3 years
    • Kristin Bauer: 31 / Robert Gant: 30 = -1 year
    • ? (Marcia): ? / Larry Drake: 48 = ?
  • Cast:
    • Liz Vassey … “Brenda” (Stan as a woman)
    • Christine Elise … Mary Wilcox
    • Robert Gant … Dave Sullivan
    • Kristin Bauer … Tamara Stevens (Stan and Dave’s love interest)
    • Stan Cahill … Stan Rawlings
    • April Grace … Friedlander (Mary’s army buddy)
    • Larry Drake … Inspector Bill Turkel (the man giving Roarke a performance review)
    • Tangie Ambrose … Rizzo (Mary’s army buddy)
    • ??? … Marcia Crandall (Turkel’s love interest)