1×8 “Handymen”

A germaphobic man wants to spend the weekend in a germ-free environment, but he ends up in another guest’s Indiana Jones fantasy instead.
A man is upset about his girlfriend visiting Fantasy Island and then leaving him.

This guest is afraid of germs. Hmmm.

This woman walks out of the ocean wearing a blue heart necklace, and the music is very “My Heart Will Go On”.

Ariel: I’m sorry, Miss Tillman, but the ship manifest shows no record of any passenger named Leo.

[Cal is checking out Ariel’s butt.]
Ariel: What are you looking at?
Cal: A good time.
Ariel: Stick to ringing the bell.
Cal: How about I ring your bell?
Ariel: I’d be careful, Cal. Be very careful.
Harry: Ooh, you’ve gone too far this time, Cal.
Cal: Oh, come on. She loves it.
[Cal makes pinching gestures towards Ariel’s butt.]

Roarke: Kenneth Hartwell, a young man whose fear of germs has turned into a fear of the world.

Jerry Potsweiler: Besides, what’s the point? All the good jobs go to minorities.

Cal: So, how’d you get here?
Kay Rose: Uh, I dunno. It was raining out, I was crossing Lexington to get the train home to Brooklyn, I remember seeing headlights, the next thing I know, I’m here serving drinks.

Here’s Bridget’s map:

It was pretty obvious that Kay, the girl who was interested in Cal, was going to be Ariel in disguise, trying to get back at him. But I feel like most women who are being sexually harassed by a guy are not going to intentionally spend time romancing him, even if it’s just a trick, and she’s just planning to get revenge on him all along.

  • Guests:
    • Kenneth Hartwell
    • Jerry Potsweiler
  • Mini-fantasies:
    • Ariel: I’m sorry, Miss Tillman, but the ship manifest shows no record of any passenger named Leo.
  • Not what I asked for:
    • Kenneth Hartwell: Mr. Roarke, this is my nightmare.
  • Can’t help you:
    • Kenneth Hartwell: Mr. Roarke, please. Send someone for me now.
      Roarke: I’m afraid that’s not possible. I mean, you’re in the middle of the jungle; my search parties wouldn’t know where to start.
  • Age gap:
    • Christine Tucci: 31 / Louis Lombardi: 29-30 = -1-2 years
    • Alexandra Powers: 31 / David Newsom: 36 = 5 years
  • Cast:
    • David Newsom … Kenneth Hartwell
    • Alexandra Powers … Bridget Jackson (Kenneth’s love interest)
    • Ken Campbell … Jerry Potsweiler
    • Christine Tucci … Kay Rose (Cal’s love interest)
    • ??? … Miss Tillman (the guest with the Titanic fantasy)
    • ??? … Mr. Gluskin (the guy chasing Bridget and Kenneth)