1×10 “Let Go”

  • Date Watched: October 9, 2021

Roarke’s daughter shows up.
A man wants to find his stolen hot rod and get revenge on the person who stole it.

How long is this pneumatic tube? If the travel agency is on the mainland (well, I guess we don’t actually know where it is for sure), and Fantasy Island is… an island… then this tube goes underwater somewhere. Although, I think once you step into the travel agency, you’ve probably gone through a portal, and you’re no longer on the mainland, so the tube probably doesn’t even need to be that long.

Bernice: Who is she?
Fisher: Mr. Roarke’s daughter.

What’s the deal with Clia? Wasn’t she replaced in a previous episode too? Did she want to be paid as much as Malcolm McDowell?

Cal: He turned me into a scarecrow yesterday.

Cal actually was a scarecrow in 1×9 “Wishboned” so… does each episode not take place over a weekend? Does the entire series take place in one weekend? Do they bring people to Fantasy Island on a Monday?

[Talking about Miranda, Roarke’s daughter.]
Look at her, all grown up. She’s beautiful.
Roarke: Obviously, being human agrees with her.

Harry: Mr. and Mrs. Shadowsky, I presume.
Ray Shadowsky: You must be Mr. Roarke.
Harry: Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Ha. That actually made me laugh. But beyond not correcting Ray here, Harry doesn’t actually pretend to be Mr. Roarke in this episode. I feel like that was a missed opportunity, because Harry and Cal seem to want to get Roarke fired, so Harry could have masqueraded as Roarke and done a bad job.

Ariel: Oh, come on, Roarke. You know as well as I do the moment Miranda wakes up and remembers you’re her father, she’s gonna wanna stay here forever.

What’s wrong with that though? I’m pretty happy with my job and my life, but if I could live on Fantasy Island and be a research assistant and get into shenanigans every week, hell yeah, I’d do it.

Miranda: This doesn’t look like New York.

Oh. So I guess the travel agency is in New York. At least, it was in this episode.

Harry: I’m afraid I can only put you at the scene of the crime; you have to make the appropriate action by yourself.
Ray Shadowsky: Save the mumbo jumbo for somebody else’s fantasy, bub. What are we gonna do now?
Harry: Well, there’s a cake-making class at four.

Wow, I don’t hate Harry for once this episode.

Roarke wearing a white suit?!

Ray’s wife says his car was stolen two years ago, but Harry said it was stolen on Friday, June 3. The most recent June 3 that was also a Friday was in 1994. But my guess is the wife is just estimating, because she doesn’t care as much about the car as he does.

Ummmm what’s with the person hiding in the background.

Oh, it’s just Cal.

Do these girls just stand there like that all day?

Ariel: You are so selfish.
Roarke: No. If I was selfish, I’d go back with her. But of course, we all know that I can’t do that. Instead, I have to be content being the master of ceremonies at this infernal three-ring circus.

Roarke just jumped up on his desk and sat on it. I cannot picture Our Mr. Roarke ever doing that.

Roarke: If you expect to guide guests through their fantasies, you’ll have to know what they want before they do.

I don’t like this series because I don’t care for the characters, but I feel like they do understand the original series pretty well.

[Roarke’s fantasy is to walk his daughter down the aisle at her wedding — or just for her to get married, I’m not sure.]
Roarke: Pity though, ’cause it’s never gonna happen. That’s just the price one pays for living on this island.

So… Roarke found a baby who washed up on the shore of Fantasy Island after a shipwreck, and he raised her as his daughter. When she turned 18, she wanted to leave the island, so Roarke wiped her memory and let her go.

Now Clia’s back at the end of the episode.

Fisher: Hah!
Clia: What?
Fisher: I’ve got one… and it’s big.

Umm… apparently, Bill Clinton is next week’s guest?

  • Guests:
    • Miranda
    • Ray Shadowsky, a mechanic from Jersey, and his wife Tina
  • Roarke’s powers:
    • He summons colourful birds and missing cars with a wave of his hand.
    • He wiped his daughter’s memory.
    • He makes Cal and Harry disappear with a wave of his hand.
  • Time travel: Ray Shadowsky time travels to Friday, June 3 (presumably 1994), the day his car was stolen.
  • Recurring phrases:
    • Roarke: Yes, indeed. Life can be very traumatic.
  • Did I drop that name?
    • Miranda: And what about the time we flew through the clouds and landed on the wings of that ratty old plane? I thought the pilot was gonna have a heart attack.
      Roarke: He had a very surprised look on his face. Oh, you know who the pilot was, don’t you?
      Miranda: No.
      Roarke: Yes, it was Charles Lindbergh.
  • Magic:
    • Miranda: Show me the magic.
  • ‘Cause I gotta have faith / I’m a believer:
    • Roarke: Look, fantasies are a state of mind. To make them come alive, you need more commitment, faith, belief.
  • Shapeshifting: Ariel shapeshifts into a young girl who digs Ray’s car.
  • Religion:
    • Ariel: This was your plan all along.
      Roarke: It was a plan. Not entirely mine.
  • Age gap:
    • Dina Spybey: 33 / Gerry Red Wilson: 37 = 4 years
  • Cast:
    • Tushka Bergen … Miranda (Roarke’s daughter)
    • Gerry Red Wilson … Ray Shadowsky
    • Dina Spybey … Tina Shadowsky (Ray’s wife)
    • Florence Stanley … Bernice (Clia’s replacement)
    • ??? … Chop Shop Man
    • ??? … Hot Rod Girl
    • ??? … Brad (Miranda’s fiancĂ©)
    • ??? … Bill Clinton