You know how personality tests always have questions like “what would you do if…”, but they never seem to have “nothing” as an option, which is what I do in most situations?

You know how one of those questions that comes up a lot goes something like “what would you do if you saw twenty dollars lying on the ground?” Well, that happened to me today, and you know what I did? Nothing. My eyes went wide for a second, like, am I really seeing this? But I just kept walking. There was no one around; I could have taken it, but I didn’t, because I would have felt like I was stealing. The next person who came along probably didn’t think twice about taking it, but I’d like to imagine the person who dropped it realized it, retraced their steps, found it, and were pleasantly surprised it was still there. And even if the owner didn’t find it, the person who did take it probably needed it more than me.

There was some other incident that happened recently–I can’t recall what it was–but there was some situation, hypothetical or real, and the people I was discussing it with were all like “oh, I definitely would have done x” but I would have never dreamed of doing x, because it just wasn’t right. I tend to think of myself as a bad person–like, I’m greedy, I don’t think or care much about other people, I’m a jerk to people I love–but when things like this come up, I feel a little better about myself. I could probably never be a captain, because that’s a lot of responsibility, and I don’t like telling people what to do–it would have to be like a “Disaster” situation or the beginning of Voyager, and all the higher ranking officers are dead or otherwise indisposed, and I would be the reluctant hero, but I would probably get killed by a Gorn or something pretty quickly, and it wouldn’t even be entertaining, because I can’t fight at all–but uh, where was I? Yeah, when things like this happen, I feel like I’m definitely enough of a good guy to be in Starfleet at least.

There’s also a small part of me that always worries I might be on a hidden camera show, and I don’t want to do something that might make me look bad, so maybe that’s all it is.

[A bunch of ambulances are lined up outside a hospital.]
Little girl: I’m reading the fire truck.
Mother: Yeah? What does it say?
Little girl: Beep beep!

Currently, Earth remains the only place in the universe known to harbor life forms.

I just wanted to learn a little about history, why you gotta go and make me all depressed, Wikipedia?