[Watching VOY “Real Life”.]
Doctor: Jeffrey, think about this.
Jeffrey: Oh, I’ve thought about it. I’m going to become a warrior, and I can’t do that if I’m being led around on a leash by some bloodless petaQ.
Mom: He can’t petaQ to his father like that.
these are the jokes folks (16 posts)
When we were at school, our games were simple
I played the janitor, you played a monitor
Can I play the hard drive instead?
Davy Jones’ Dockerfile
Q: What’s a boolean algebraist’s favourite planet?
A: Andor.
I wish I had two friends named Bet so then we could be Jenny and the Bets.
I was looking for songs my brother could teach his kids at camp, so I googled “rock songs for kids”.
Me: Here, 100 kid rock songs… wait, that’s not what I–
They told me the Bedels were gonna be at convocation today, but I didn’t see Paul or Ringo anywhere.
[To a Habs fan wearing baseball hat.]
Mom: Don’t you think you should put a Tuukka on?
Who’s been touching these Monkees? Leave these poor sick Monkees alone. They’re sick, they got problems enough as it is.
Flight of the Conchords
Too late, I realized I should have named my chess program for AI class “Dangerously Chessy”.