It’s only a whimsical notion
To fly down to Rio tonight
And I probably won’t fly down to Rio
‘Cause I’d have to read Wikipedia first
100 Years of Beauty
I hate it when I whistle “Tapioca Tundra” perfectly, but there are no Monkees fans around to appreciate it.
San Francisco Giants – Full Clubhouse
All Monkees fans do an impression of Micky’s “Randy Scouse Git” story, right? #imtoldihadagreattime
I wish I could be an actual roller coaster tycoon.
The best TV theme songs
- America’s Funniest Home Videos (“America, America, this is you”)
- Full House
- Magic School Bus
- Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
- Red Dwarf
I was super pumped about free agency day being a national holiday in Canada, but as a Bruins fan, now I’m just terrified.