Oh, Peter! You had to screw it up! God! Damnit! Shit! Fuck! Sonofabitch!
Micky, Headquarters Sessions
I had to do the math: 14 albums, 17 singles, 195 songs: The Monkees were involved in writing 80 of them (41%).
Probably the greatest thing about 1997’s Hey, Hey, We’re The Monkees was how good Davy was at playing “himself”. He was just adorable.
I remember watching The Brady Bunch when I was young and thinking, “This is boring. Why does this guy have to sing an entire song?”
Do what I want you to do, not what I tell you to do!
my brother, programming
Too late, I realized I should have named my chess program for AI class “Dangerously Chessy”.
“Bit” can mean the past tense of “bite”, or… no, wait, computers have bytes, not bits.
linguistics prof
Searching my university’s computer science department website for “Python”. Apparently, it’s necessary to specify -monty.