star trek (57 posts)

Lost Episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation

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This is beautiful. Everybody on reddit is like “I do not acknowledge the existence of this”. I think I need to find a new Trek community; these guys are no fun.

Also, somebody commented:

If you thought the Enterprise finale was bad, just be glad it wasn’t this.

So does this mean the ENT finale will be AMAZING? Oh my god, what if this whole time I was dreading watching the finale, but it’s actually like a musical comedy episode?!?!?!

Not many people know this, but it’s Trip singing this song at the beginning of Enterprise. Each day Trip would sneak onto the bridge first thing, and broadcast this song to the crew. Archer tried to stop him by imposing strict rules, but Trip kept on doing it for the entire series. Even when they were deep in the Delphic Expanse he still got up at 4am to sing this.
