2×09 “The Appointment/Mr. Tattoo”
- Rating: 2; 4 out of 5
A man who’s basically Spock wants to create a hospital with no doctors.
Tattoo grants a fantasy for Barbi Benton and her friend, who want to marry millionaires.
Tattoo: Well, you promised me that I could give a fantasy on my own.
Roarke: Yes, sometime in the near future, but I had no idea you’d be ready so soon.
Tattoo: But I am ready; I did all the research, all the preparation, and I’m ready.
Roarke: Ah, how exciting for you. And uh, who is the lucky person or persons whose fantasy you’ve chosen to work on?
Tattoo: Well, I’m not gonna tell you. This time, it’s your turn to be surprised.
I think this is the first time that they’ve really talked about what goes on during the week when they’re preparing for fantasies… and they didn’t really give us any info beyond that they do research and prepare. Which, duh.
Presumably, Roarke would have prepared for this person’s fantasy too, since he doesn’t know which fantasy it is, but he does know who’s on the plane, and that seems like a waste of time. (Except, well, Tattoo’s probably gonna screw it up, and Roarke’s gonna have to save the day, so maybe not.)
Ha ha, Regis Toomey is in this. I watched His Girl Friday on… well, on Friday, actually, and his name was in the cast list, and I thought his name sounded familiar, but he wasn’t in The Monkees or Star Trek, so I don’t know where I knew him from. But hey. Here he is now.
Roarke: Who are those attractive young ladies?
Tattoo: They are the ones I chose to give their fantasy to.
It doesn’t make sense for Roarke to not know who is on the plane, so I think he’s just humouring Tattoo here? There’s another later episode where Roarke was like “who are they? they aren’t on the manifest” — maybe that was the one with Georgia Engel when she was playing Tattoo’s friend?
Roarke: My dear guests, I am Mr. Roarke, your host.
Tattoo: And I’m your host, Mr. Tattoo.
Roarke & Tattoo: Welcome to Fantasy Island.
D’aww, omg, this whole scene is adorable. But why doesn’t Tattoo always have a drink?
There have been a few times where they’ve done a zoom towards Roarke, and I’m like oh, here comes a good GIF, but every time, he just stands there for a few seconds, doesn’t really react, and then he just looks slightly confused. It’s such a dramatic zoom for such a nothing reaction. And I kind of love it.
Roarke: Well, when you offered to show me the preparations for Evelyn and Dee-Dee’s fantasy, I never expected to be brought to ~this old opera house.~
Yes, ~that old opera house~, aka the Hawaiian village and Gilley’s and every other place people get taken on their fantasies.
Roarke: That’s very good… boss.
So Roarke and Tattoo are at the theatre, Tattoo sneaks out for a second, Roarke’s trying to figure out where he went, and then Tattoo comes up behind him wearing his top hat and producer getup, and there’s this music playing that makes it sound like Tattoo is about to burst into song, and I’m really sad that that didn’t happen.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure I saw that scene before, because I remember my dad saying something about Barbi Benton being in this.
Well, this is an interesting shot; Tattoo’s got a big tall piano in Roarke’s office. The piano is over where the fourth wall would would be, so I think that means we can assume there is a wall there, just beyond our sight. If it had been a normal piano, you could put it in the middle of the room, but I think this kind of piano would go up against a wall, since it’s so tall.
Okay, I thought this was gonna be the “Nothing Hurt Like Love” episode. Nice.
Tattoo: How do you like it, boss? A real grabber, hm?
Roarke: Mm, yes, I feel like I have definitely been grabbed.
Tattoo was like “I’m gonna make sure they get their fantasy”, even though Evelyn and Dee-Dee have fallen in love with the songwriters, so I thought Tattoo was gonna make the songwriters into millionaires… but no; he’s just planning to split them up. Dammit, Tattoo.
Awww, it turned out they were millionaires already.
I first saw the song-and-dance scene in 6×21 “Remember When…” and I was… uh… it was something. I didn’t quite know what to say except: ohhh mmmyyyy god.
Here are the lyrics to their original song, as best as I can tell:
They say a knife in the back can cause you pain
Well, so does an old ankle sprain
Concussion can kill you
But it can thrill
Or carry your heart high above
‘Cause nothing
I say nothing
Hurts like love
Shoobie doobie, shoobie doobie — yeah!
Nothing hurts like love
I don’t know what Mr. Roarke singing “shoobie doobie, shoobie doobie, yeah!” is, exactly, but it’s definitely something. It might be something I never knew I needed? It might be something I never knew I didn’t need? But… it’s… certainly… something.
I wonder what exactly the direction was for this scene. Were they giving it their all? Were they just doing their job? Were they purposely doing it like that?

This one IMDb reviewer, I always disagree with him on which was the better segment. I spent the doctor segment scraping the supports off of my 3D printed plane.
Hahah, my favourite reviewer called Barbi Benton “super hot” four times. I don’t think he realizes who she is though. His review of the other segment makes me realize how contrived it was: he has to go to the other side of the island; he crashes his car; there’s a pregnant woman; her husband is dead; she needs a C-section; the doctor is old.
1. that brown haired chick is drop dead hot, 2. Tattoo is a pervert
- Roarke’s drink: yellow with a lemon slice (I’m starting to think I didn’t need to keep track of this)
- Tattoo’s drink (!): yellow with a lemon slice in a mini glass
- That’s weird; we never had that before:
- Tattoo grants a fantasy.
- Tattoo has a drink in the opening scene.
- Tattoo addresses the guests in the opening scene.
- Tattoo and Roarke sing.
- Evelyn and Dee-Dee don’t get a full “see ya” scene; they just wave (because Tattoo and Roarke were too busy singing.)
- Ominous shot of Roarke raising his drink: nope — he clinks glasses with Tattoo and laughs
- Someone else had a fantasy:
- The reverend wanted to be in a musical.
- Bernie and Jack wanted to write a musical.
- Dr. Carlson’s wife wanted him to be happy.
- Leaving with an extra guest: Evelyn and Dee-Dee with Bernie and Jack
- Not the fantasy you want, but the fantasy you need: Dr. Carlson doesn’t get to raise money for his hospital; instead he learns how to be a doctor again.