2×21 “Yesterday’s Love/Fountain of Youth”

  • Rating: 2 out of 5

A soon-to-be-divorced couple’s children want them to re-create the time they first met in 1944.
Dennis Cole wants to find the fountain of youth so some old guy will give him a million dollars.

There was a long shot during the opening credits of Tattoo and Roarke walking on the beach.

Charles Atwood: How did you do it, Mr. Roarke?
Tattoo: Privileged information.

The taxis say “Fantasy Island Taxi”, but they just finished saying “it’s exactly like it was thirty years ago”.

J.D. Pettigrew: I want some answers, and I want them straight.
Roarke: When I’ve had the questions, you shall have the answers.

Sassy Roarke ❤️

J.D. Pettigrew: Short time ago, I came into possession of a certain curious object.
Roarke: What sort of object?

Roarke sounds a bit concerned, like he thinks he might have misplaced one of his magic objects.

Roarke: We never promise what we can’t deliver, Mr. Pettigrew.

J.D. Pettigrew: His little sweetheart and I will follow him every step of the way.
Roarke: So be it. I just hope that you’ll make it every step of the way… back.

🎶 I know that things are gettin’ better 🎶

The guy who drives the car drives the boat too. And Wally’s on the boat with him. Ooh, the driver and Wally are going on the expedition with them? They’re not just dropping them off and leaving? I’m a bit concerned for their safety, but at least they’re not wearing red shirts.

Other than wanting to see what happens to Wally and Other Guy, I’m really not interested in either fantasy today.

Brick Howard: Peg. Still as beautiful as ever.

Okay, this shot was ridiculous.

Jeff Bailey: Tama, hand me the canteen and my pistol.

WAAAAH HE HAS A NAME! And he’s credited!


The falls on this show are fabulous. (And I don’t mean the waterfalls. (Well, the waterfall is great, but that’s not what I’m talking about.))

Hahaha, omg, this girl can’t walk two feet without falling.

I don’t recognize either of these drivers in the closing scene today; I guess they had to get new ones since Wally and Tama were busy.

The thing I hate about the tag sequences is that they are usually not very funny, but I still laugh at them anyway just because it’s Roarke and Tattoo.

And today, we’ve got Roarke laughing waaay too much again, but this time, through hiccups.

Wally is credited as “Sato”, but I don’t think they ever called him Sato in this episode. Actually, did they ever actually call him Wally in the show? Okay, yes, in 2×5 “I Want to Get Married”, he isn’t credited, but he is called Wally by one of the characters. Thus, I think we can assume his full name is Wally Sato. Ooh, exciting! The rest of the episode… not so much.

Where are our magic objects? Cheesy sex fantasies with no sex? Roarke in disguise? Mini-fantasies? Chester and Pepper? Where has all the fun gone on Fantasy Island?

Actually, speaking of sex fantasies with no sex, I’m kind of looking forward to the 1998 series, because I’m curious to see how much further they can go. For a show whose entire premise was basically “sex island”, Fantasy Island is such a tame show. And like, I was there, and I know the ’90s were still not very woke, but maybe it will have some more diverse fantasies? Like I know gay people were still just punchlines in the ’90s, but at least they were acknowledged; gay people don’t even exist in 1978-1984 Fantasy Island.

  • Tattoo’s shenanigans: he has the hiccups
  • Tattoo has no faith:
    • Roarke: His fantasy is to earn one million dollars before Monday morning.
      Tattoo: Is that possible?
  • Roarke’s drink: do I have to say it?
  • Ominous shot of Roarke raising his glass: hmm… kind of! it’s not the full-on, classic shot where he looks around suspiciously, but this is basically as close as we’ve gotten so far
  • Surprise guest: The Atwoods’ old friends, Brick Howard and Willie Tucker
  • Filming locations: Stars Hollow
  • Location recreation:
    • Charles Atwood: It’s incredible. I don’t believe it.
      Peggy Atwood: I don’t believe it either. Everything’s exactly the same as it was then, thirty-five years ago.
  • Fantasy Island brand: Fantasy Island Taxis
  • Neighbouring islands:
    • J.D. Pettigrew: It came from one of the scattered islands that surround this place.
  • Recurring phrases:
    • (It’s not quite the right phrasing, but it’s close.)
      Roarke: May I also warn you about the island where he must go to find the fountain.
  • Songs: “I’ll Get By (As Long as I Have You)”
  • Recurring characters: Wally and Tama go on the expedition with Jeff Bailey. Tama gets a name, and Wally shoots a gun and says “sir, are you alright? can I help?”
  • Leaving with an extra guest: Jeff Bailey with Tina Mason