2×11 “Carnival/The Vaudevillians”
- Rating: 3 out of 5
Carol Lynley wants to be reunited with the man she met in El Monotono.
Jenny Piccalo’s father wants to revive vaudeville with his former partner.
Tattoo: I’m going to become a millionaire very soon.
Roarke: …again?
Okay, so Roarke, Tattoo, and Mr. Parks are about to meet Mr. Parks’ old partner in his bungalow. They’re knocking on the door. Cut to inside the bungalow. The partner answers the door. It’s just Roarke and Tattoo at the door; Mr. Parks is no longer with them. The partner is disappointed that Mr. Parks isn’t there. I don’t think this is a bad editing job; I think they must be doing a flashback to something that happened earlier, but it’s very dumb how they’ve done it. Either that, or there’s some weird timey wimey stuff going on, but that doesn’t really happen on Fantasy Island in that way.
…hahahah, or maybe Mr. Parks was just hiding. Do I overthink this show, or what?
Mr. Parks said he had been searching for his partner for years and couldn’t find him anywhere. He asked where Roarke found him, and I thought the answer was gonna be jail. Then Mr. Parks is chatting with his buddy, and Mr. Parks says he lives in Walla Walla, Washington of all places, and even his buddy’s like “oh, did you steal a pocketbook?”
I had spent so much time way back when trying to find a good picture of the back of the Queen Anne cottage. Well, I realized yesterday that the establishing shot of the cottage with the lake in front of it is the back of the cottage. D’oh.
Wooo, alright, so there’s a little end table right as you open the front door. That’s… something, I guess.
I think this village is Colonial Street, but I’m not completely sure. The church is in the right spot, those stairs are in the right spot… but everything is totally different.

This Tom guy is being awful sketchy; he must be another guest.
Hey! We haven’t had a mini-fantasy for so long! I thought it was weird when they played the Red Baron segment in 6×21 “Remember When…”, because it seemed like the entire fantasy played out in that one scene, but I didn’t realize mini-fantasies were a thing when I saw that episode. I was so confused when trying to figure out what episode it was, because I think a fanfic said it was this episode, but it didn’t sound like the Red Baron would have anything to do with a carnival or vaudeville actors.
I don’t know how “Ace” Smith manages to make the word “Roarke” into two syllables, but he does it.
Waaaah! Tattoo walks in in his Red Baron getup, and he comes from the fourth wall part of the room, but on the landing across from the door. The guest didn’t see him, or he would have realized Tattoo was the Red Baron. So there’s either another entrance there, or maybe a closet or bathroom. But there’s no reason for Tattoo to be hiding in the closet, and it seemed like Tattoo just walked in, so if it’s a bathroom, maybe it has two doors.
Then we cut right from Tattoo in his Red Baron getup, his face covered in dirt, complaining that he “can’t take it anymore”, right to Tattoo skipping merrily along outside a bungalow.
That sure looks like Paradise Cove to me.

What the hell is that?! A yellow flower?!?! And a closeup of it at that?!
There was an extra wearing an Eagles Hotel California shirt. Don’t shows usually blur that kind of stuff out?
There are a ton of great wide shots of El Monotono here.
I don’t think their vaudeville act would have gone that badly; some of the jokes they were doing earlier in the episode would have at least got a chuckle.
Ah, they tricked me. They’re showing the bad guy in his mask at the carnival, and it’s clearly the bad guy, because he has light hair and the boyfriend has dark hair. They keep showing another guy in a mask, and I assumed he was the boyfriend, but then the boyfriend shows up not in a mask, and it wasn’t until then that I realized the other guy was Roarke.
The guest didn’t die, but the guest’s boyfriend died. I feel like that doesn’t usually happen unless someone is a bad guy.
Ah, they tricked me again. I’m not doing very good today; I probably wouldn’t have figured out the Helena twist.
Tattoo: Boss, do you want to see my newest invention?
Roarke: Do I have a choice?
Is this a recurring phrase too now?
- Tattoo’s scheme of the week: becoming an inventor (tiny sleeping bags that spew feathers; a lighter that works on water instead of gas; and two blocks that can be used to kill flies)
- Recurring phrases:
- Roarke: Inventor, indeed.
- Doris Greer: He belongs in a retirement home, not on a tropical island with some idiotic fantasy.
Roarke: Indeed. - Roarke: Your fantasy is over, Miss Weller.
- Dorothy Weller: My fantasy isn’t over, Mr. Roarke; it’s only just beginning.
Roarke: Indeed.
- Tattoo has no faith:
- Tattoo: Oh, boss, you’re backing a real loser this time.
- Roarke’s drink: yellow with a lemon slice… again
- Ominous shot of Roarke raising his glass: nope
- Locations:
- Dorothy Weller: At least you can tell me where we’re going.
Roarke: To a certain small village. In many respects, it resembles a place in Guadeloupe where you, uh… believe you met Mr. Parnell.
- Dorothy Weller: At least you can tell me where we’re going.
- Location recreation:
- Dorothy Weller: This more than resembles the place, Mr. Roarke; it’s almost a carbon copy.
- Mini-fantasy: Mr. Smith–uh, Ace–versus the Red Baron
- Most popular fantasies:
- Tattoo: Promise me that you’re not gonna sell any more Red Baron fantasies.
Roarke: But Tattoo, you know it’s one of our most popular requests.
Tattoo: Yes, but this is the third time I got shot down in flames this week, you know. I can’t take it anymore.
- Tattoo: Promise me that you’re not gonna sell any more Red Baron fantasies.
- Surprise guests: Charlie Parks’ son and daughter, Doris Greer and Adam Parks
- Money:
- Miss Grier: We want to know how much you’re charging our father for this ridiculous scheme of his for bringing back vaudeville.
Roarke: I’m afraid the prices my guests pay are confidential. - Charlie Parks: I’m committed twenty thousand dollars worth.
Adam Parks: That’s your life savings!
- Miss Grier: We want to know how much you’re charging our father for this ridiculous scheme of his for bringing back vaudeville.
- Recurring characters: Cousin Hugo sold Tattoo the patent rights for his lighter that works on water instead of gas.
- Roarke in disguise: at carnival
- Someone else had a fantasy: Tom wanted to “die” so some dude would stop stalking him.
- Not leaving on the plane:
- Dorothy Weller: Are you leaving here?
Tom Parnell: Mm-mm. Not for a long time. Gonna have to establish a new identity, then find another way to make a living.
Tattoo: It may take a long time.
Dorothy Weller: Then I’m staying too.
- Dorothy Weller: Are you leaving here?
- Leaving with an extra guest: Charlie Parks with his partner, Will Fields, and his son and daughter