2×24 “Bowling/Command Performance”
- Rating: 2 out of 5
Al from Happy Days wants to be a good bowler.
The waitress from Grease wants to reunite with her circus friends.
Did Roarke says “fuelish” instead of “foolish”? I really hope he didn’t say “fuelish”.
Apparently, every series has to have a circus episode.
Heh heh, one of the circus performers is named Victor.
Roarke: Deep within you resides a power never before summoned…
Okay, I guess Roarke hypnotizing people is a thing.
Lou Fielding: Mr. Roarke is something.

Yeaaah, I dunno. Bowling and circuses? These are things that are fun to do one time when you’re a kid, but other than that… these are not very exciting things.
These guys look like real bowlers… yep. They’re real bowlers.
Oh my god, are they gonna actually show us an entire game? Prime Video had a show called Celebrity Bowling from the ’70s, with like the kids from Brady Bunch and William Shatner and everyone who ever appeared on Fantasy Island, and it looked terrible, so I started watching it, but I couldn’t even make it to the first commercial break because it was so boring. It was literally just watching crappy bowlers bowling with almost no banter.
Ugh, they’re doing this story again? A guy gets fame and fortune, and his wife feels left out. It’s basically just 2×14 “The Treasure”.
[A leopard has escaped from its cage.]
Naomi Gittings: I hate to ask this, but could it have been deliberate?
Tama: Mr. Roarke! Mr. Simmons is gone! I’m sorry. He must have slipped out the back window of his trailer.
Yaaa Tama gets a line and a closeup! (Boo, Tama is an incompetent guard.)
There was just an explosion in the main house, the front door fell down, and the place is full of smoke. This means they’re gonna do renovations now, right?
Roarke: Don’t tell me you were experimenting with that rocket inside the house?
Tattoo: Not me — him!
Chester? …Yep.
Considering one of the stories was about someone trying to kill the old woman, I thought the explosion was gonna have something to do with that; I didn’t think it was just a shenanigans scene.
Well, Roarke’s office looks unaffected by the explosion, so no renovations, I guess.
Has Roarke not been saying “indeed” lately, or do I just keep missing them?
Wow! The main house is really taking a beating today. Now the Obvious Red-Herring Villain has jumped in through the window.
Fantasy Island Infirmary, lol. It’s clearly just the bungalow with a different sign.
Wait… his name is Richard Simmons?
Ah! This guy’s got shiny gold shoes! It’s a good thing he doesn’t have a matching tie or I’d have had stars in my eyes.
Okay, so Roarke just caused a power outage by looking up.
Roarke: I’m sorry, Mr. Fielding.
No, you’re not.
Roarke: Very sorry… indeed…
Aww thank you bby.
Helena Stewart: This time, I’m in charge. And I’m afraid you’re going to have to die now.
This chick is stupid. She wants to marry a rich prince, but she’s still married to Richard, because he wouldn’t give her a divorce, and if anyone finds out that they’re still married after she marries the prince, she could be beheaded. So she decides to kill everyone who knew about their marriage. Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill Richard? Anyway, he’s dead now, so why does she still need to kill Naomi?
Helena Stewart: How convenient, the power failure.
Holy shit! The power failure was across the island?! It affected both fantasies!
Those were the most unconvincing teetering bowling pins I’ve ever seen. You just know Tama was up there twirling them around with a wire.
Richard is no longer an alcoholic bum, but I missed how that happened.
Tama is credited as “Lava Lava Boy”. Um wat?
- Tattoo’s shenanigans: He’s going to get rich by creating cheap rocket fuel.
- Recurring characters:
- Tattoo: Do you remember the chemistry set my cousin Hugo sent me? Well, it’s gonna make me rich.
- Tama: Mr. Roarke! Mr. Simmons is gone! I’m sorry. He must have slipped out the back window of his trailer!
- Chester was playing with Tattoo’s rocket inside the main house and caused an explosion.
- Ominous Roarke:
- Tattoo: Oh boy, a circus! I always loved the circus.
Roarke: Yes… unfortunately, this performance may not be as enjoyable as you think. You see, Mrs. Gittings believes that one of the individuals here for the reunion… will try to murder her.
- Tattoo: Oh boy, a circus! I always loved the circus.
- Roarke’s drink: same old
- Ominous shot of Roarke raising his drink: nope
- Recurring phrases:
- Roarke: What seems to be the problem?
Lou Fielding: My problem is a 154 bowling average. How am I gonna compete with those pros?
Roarke: Mr. Fielding, this is Fantasy Island. Here, anything is possible. Anything. - Margaret Fielding: This is Fantasy Island! It’s all just a fantasy!
- Roarke: I’m sorry, Mr. Fielding. Very sorry… indeed.
- Roarke: What seems to be the problem?
- Competitions: Fantasy Island Invitational Bowling Tournament
- Action Roarke:
- A pole is about to fall on Naomi Gittings, but Roarke saves her.
- A leopard escapes from its cage, but Roarke scares it off.
- Locations:
- P.B.A. Bowlers
- Fantasy Island Infirmary
- He’s dead, Jim:
- Roarke: I’m afraid Mr. Simmons is dead. His heart.
- He’s not dead, Jim:
- Roarke: We staged his death in order to draw you into this little trap.
- Meddling Roarke: He causes a power outage just as Lou Fielding is about to win the bowling tournament, forcing him to finish the tournament tomorrow, after his fantasy has ended.
- Leaving as new millionaires: Lou and Margaret Fielding
- Leaving with an extra guest: Naomi Gittings with new business partner Richard Simmons