Who keeps calling me?!
my function
…what about tomorrow? Will it be the same as the past? I keep on hopin’ that something will happen and I hope that it happens fast.
Michael Nesmith, “Mama Nantucket”
I so want to click “I’m done” for “prove P=NP” on 43 Things.
[Explaining what a Turing machine is not:]
Prof: “Solve world hunger problem.” I can write it down. It is solved.
Note to self: Don’t wear red shirts to computer science lectures or you run the risk of being killed.
I have to laugh when I search for a band name on Wikipedia and then realize, oh yeah, Boston/Eagles/Heart is actually a thing.
Here is some lead-free food.
My TA demonstrating how to use “lead-free” in a sentence
Knowledge is gerbils.
AI class
I fight Gordy, and Gordy always wins.
John Mellencamp
Bring knives and ideas.
Pumpkin carving night