The only way I can solve this equation is is in your bedroom, btw, you must be there with me.
Flashforward IMDb
My new favourite word is “ungroovy”.
You’d think just one time they would stop and say, “Wait, hold it. Before we have another problem like last week… what are you talking about?”
This is genius naming: redqueen([H|T], H)
I swear, I’m going to accidentally spell it “deadlocke” on my exam tomorrow.
My C Shell for my computer science assignment is called cshell.c… or is it cshell.c?
Me: The guy who says “Previously on Lost” is Christian.
Mom: Oh!
My brother: Would it matter if he was Jewish?
Me & Mom: …
Geronimo Jackson… Geronimo… Jack’s… SON!
I had a bad dream last night… I was using Internet Explorer.
Me: Meat Loaf and Alice Cooper should do something together. That would be awesome.
My brother: They did. Roadie?
Me: Oh yeah… nevermind.