3×10 “Class of ’69/The Pug”
- Date Watched: March 19, 2021
- Rating: 4; 3 out of 5
Adrienne Barbeau wants to look like Adrienne Barbeau.
A boy wants his father to be Dynamite Davy Jones.
It’s been a while since I’ve watched an episode because things have been happening in my life. It’s gonna be a bit weird to get my mind back into thinking about the layout of the main house, marking down recurring things, etc.
I definitely remember seeing this episode when it was on TV, because I remember telling my parents about it, and I was like “Adrienne Barbeau had the biggest hair I have ever seen on a human being.”
It looks like the Lava Lava girls have new outfits! We’ve never had that before, right? Ehh, I don’t like these ones as much. There’s too much variety.
Wait, hang on, is the dock different? Or is it just me being away so long? Eh, it looks like it’s the same.
Ugggh, this episode is so cut off.
I’m disappointed when the magic potions don’t have a back story, like “it once belonged to Edgar Allan Poe” or even just “it comes from a rare plant that grows only on Fantasy Island.”
Waaaah, yes! More drug special effects.
The effects last time were better though. Here, they’re using like five different effects, and they didn’t age as well as just flashing some lights and spinning the camera.
This Lance character is completely over the top. I love it.
Roarke: Perhaps you could find a substitute.
Charlie Darcy: Like who?
Roarke: Well, I… [pretends he can’t think of anyone]… perhaps Mr. Malone’s sparring partner?
Charlie Darcy: Joey Lee? That’d never work.
Roarke: But I am told that, um, Mr. Lee was once ranked number six, and I am also told that, uh… he knocked you down, Mr. Malone, during today’s sparring session. Is this true?
Roarke is killing it in this scene.
“Okey dokey” and “heck no” — I feel like Bernie is supposed to be Canadian or Minnesotian.
Lance Reynolds: What are we waiting for, baby, let’s get it on!
The boxing story is actually decent for once, and the reunion story is great, but I wonder if I only feel that way because I’ve seen this entire episode before.
Bernie’s disappointed in Brenda for pulling a prank on Lance… but Lance deserved it! She didn’t do anything worse to him than what he did to her.
The boxing manager is upset that the kid is yelling about his dad taking a dive, but the manager was just shouting it to everyone within earshot a second ago, which is the only reason the kid knows about it in the first place.
Wait, hold up… is Hilltop Bungalow the side of the main house? Hm, okay, no, comparing to 2×17 “The Boxer”, and no, I don’t think it’s the same.
I’m feeling more certain that the wall behind the front door of the main house is actually white and not light green, since the walls in this shot of Roarke in his office look like that light green colour.
I feel like the scene of Bernie and Brenda after Brenda runs away miiight have been filmed at the right side of the house. They don’t show us much of it though.
I love that Jimmy Lennon plays himself in both The Monkees and Fantasy Island.

I don’t think the boxes of popcorn say “Fantasy Island Popcorn”, and that is disappointing.
The boxing story was good up until the actual boxing match, and now I’m just really bored.
Tattoo had nooothing to do this episode! He was like “make sure to drink all of it, so you don’t get any side effects”, and then he just sat in the audience at the boxing match and looked concerned.
I thought the Scott Ames character was an actual announcer, but then he had way too many lines, so that was pretty good casting.
- Tattoo has no faith:
- Tattoo: A sparring partner win the championship? Boss, I think this time you blew it!
- Events:
- Roarke: Her graduation class is holding its tenth annual reunion here on Fantasy Island.
- Scott Ames: This is Scott Ames speaking to you by satellite from the fabulous Fantasy Island, the site of upcoming World Heavyweight Boxing Championship.
- Roarke’s drink: clearish yellow
- Ominous shot of Roarke raising his drink: maybe, but it was cut off too soon
- Recurring phrases:
- Roarke: We are quite prepared for the um, challenge, as you call it, Miss Richards. Quite prepared indeed.
- Magic object:
- Roarke: A very rare potion, which will enable you to fulfill at least part of your fantasy.
- One more thing:
- Roarke: Oh, uh, one last thing… the effects of the potion will wear off in precisely forty-eight hours.
- Meddling Roarke:
- Roarke: Perhaps you could find a substitute.
Charlie Darcy: Like who?
Roarke: Well, I… [pretends he can’t think of anyone]… perhaps Mr. Malone’s sparring partner?
- Roarke: Perhaps you could find a substitute.
- Cancelling the fantasy:
- Mitch Lee: Please call off my fantasy.
Roarke: But you wanted to see your father fight the champion.
Mitch Lee: But I don’t want that any more.
Roarke: Alright, Mitch. Your fantasy is cancelled.
- Mitch Lee: Please call off my fantasy.
- Leaving with an extra guest:
- Joey Lee with new co-worker Scott Ames
- Brenda Richards with new boyfriend Bernie Drexel