3×19 “The Swinger/Terrors of the Mind”

  • Date Watched: April 14, 2021
  • Rating: 3 out of 5

An old guy wants to date younger women.
Lisa Hartman wants to see into her future, and her future is Frankie Avalon.

This guy in the light shirt dancing? Wow.

Roarke: But tell me, why is it so important to you?
Sharon Sanders: Well, Mr. Roarke, I was born and raised in Boulder Valley, and I guess I just want to know if I’m gonna live and die there.
Roarke: And if you find out you are?
Sharon Sanders: Then I’d… I’d change things.
Roarke: Oh, that’s not possible, Miss Sanders.
Sharon Sanders: Not possible?
Roarke: No, no. Please understand, there are two schools of thought. One is that free will exists, and we have power to change our future. In other words, our destiny is in our own hands. Now, the other says predestination exists; it is written in our stars and is unchangeable. By asking for your fantasy, you assume that the second school is the correct one. Therefore, for you, it will be. The future you’ll see is a fact. It is already fixed in time… immutable. Whatever it holds for you… it cannot be changed.

I didn’t remember this episode, but now that she’s looking into the ring and seeing the future, I think I remember this one. Yeah, she saves him from being hit by a car or something?

I feel like this could be the first appearance of the outdoor bar. Like they’ve had luaus before, but now there are tables and a bar, and I don’t think we’ve had those before.

Peggy: Why don’t you boogie on outta here, Duke?

Oh man, the young guy just challenged the old guy to a competition to decide who’s the king of the marina. I hope the competition involves jumping over a shark.

There’s another casino on Fantasy Island? There are at least three different casinos now.

So Lisa Hartman saves Frankie Avalon from being hit by a car, and he’s like “how did you know he was gonna hit me?” and she’s like “oh, it was a premonition”. Then she starts staring at him, because she’s realized he’s the guy she saw in the ring before, and he’s like “what?” She completey missed her chance to be like “oh, I just had a premonition that we’re gonna have sex” because she knows that line’s gonna work because she’s seen the future.

🎶 In my world, there’s a special place for you
In my world, there are dreams so young and true
So take my hand, just walk with me and… 🎶

This is just a song the house band is playing at the luau. I wonder why they write so many original songs on this show, because these lyrics don’t come up in Google.

People always come to Fantasy Island wanting to be swingers, but they always end up falling in love with one person.

I guess I should be complaining about Lisa Hartman and Frankie Avalon, since she’s 24, and he’s 40… but Frankie Avalon doesn’t look as creepy as the guy who was dating Marcia.

Haha, love the Led Zeppelin graffiti in the background.

Who does this guy think he is with that belt buckle, Peter Tork?

Maxine Dodge: By the way, are you dating or adopting?
Herman Dodge: Satchel Paige pitched when he was sixty! Bluebeard raped women when he was seventy!


Dammit, Lisa Hartman’s looking out Roarke’s window and seeing the fountain. But they didn’t add a third window to the front of the house, now did they?

Well, looks like Lisa Hartman’s character is gonna die. Hopefully Frankie Avalon’s fantasy cancels hers out.

What! Guests don’t drive the car!? Can she do that?

Lisa Hartman’s all “I wish I knew where the church was so that I could stay away from it”. Five minutes later, she walks into a church. Stupid.

Herman Dodge: Young girls belong to young men.

Cut to Lisa Hartman and Frankie Avalon getting on the plane together.

Hey, Wally’s driving the car! Has he done that yet?

This episode has been pretty good for GIFs, and I feel like there haven’t been any GIF-worthy episodes lately. Although,  most GIFs come from the opening shenanigans scenes, and we haven’t had those in a while, and we also haven’t had many mid-episode visits from Roarke or Tattoo lately either.

  • Tattoo has no faith:
    • Tattoo: Him? A swinger? Oh, boss.
  • Ominous Roarke:
    • Tattoo: To see in the future? Oh, boss! That would be great!
      Roarke: That depends on what the future holds in store for her. Perhaps Miss Sanders would be much happier if she didn’t know.
  • Roarke’s drink: clearish yellow
  • Ominous shot of Roarke drinking: yes AHHH and they zoom in on him and everything
  • Locations:
    • Roarke: This is the uh Fantasy Island Marina, where all the uh, swingers live.
  • Magic object:
    • Roarke: Dating back into the mists of time, and encrusted with the legends of its power. One of those legends is that, um, anybody who wears the ring will be given the ability to see into the future.
  • Surprise guests:
    • Maxine Dodge, Herman Dodge’s ex-wife
  • Can’t help you:
    • Sharon Sanders: Oh, Mr. Roarke, you’ve gotta release me from my fantasy.
      Roarke: Oh, that isn’t possible. Once a fantasy has been granted, I haven’t the power to rescind it. Once a person starts living his or her fantasy, it takes on a life of its own. It’s uh… irreversible.
  • Leaving with an extra guest:
    • Sharon Sanders with new boyfriend Martin Ward
    • Herman Dodge with new-girlfriend/ex-wife Maxine Dodge
  • Not leaving on the plane:
    • Roarke: Where is your friend, Stan?
      Herman Dodge: Oh, well, to you the truth, Mr. Roarke, he’s having such a good time, he’s decided to stay.