3×13 “The Inventor/On the Other Side”

  • Date Watched: March 30, 2021
  • Rating: 3 out of 5

Arte Johnson and Marcia Wallace want to finish their invention without blowing themselves up.
An old woman wants to see her dead husband since he hasn’t called her since he’s been dead.

Roarke: He needs a chemical element that can only be found on Fantasy Island.

I don’t know much about chemistry, but I feel like it’s unlikely an element would only exist on some tropical island. But, I know, I know… ~this is Fantasy Island!~

Well, that’s a different shot of the office door. And hey, the middle window is missing!

Ooh, shit — this woman’s grandson is Scotty’s nephew, who gets killed after the Enterprise is attacked Khan. Better watch out, kiddo.

Why did Roarke invite the old woman to the island if he knew he was just gonna stop her from joining her dead husband?

Roarke: Perhaps Mrs. Gideon doesn’t deserve to have her fantasy fulfilled.

Whaaat? What did she do?

Dwayne Clebe: And now, to add the new and final ingredient, Nerium 19.

Okay, so, in real life, a nerium is a flower. Okay.

Uggh. There was just a scene that took place in front of the main house. After that, they showed an establishing shot of the main house, and now they’ve cut to a scene in a laboratory. That makes sense.

It’s a bit weird that both stories are science-y stories this week.

I can’t tell if it’s an editing choice that we aren’t seeing the hammer or chisel hitting the car — because that would obviously leave a dent in real life — or if it’s just the shitty widescreenening.

Eeeeh, I feel like any pedestrian that comes in contact with this car is instantly dead. Not a great idea.

Hahaha, all the Daggarts of the world are coming to Fantasy Island because this unbreakable serum interferes with their planned obsolescence plans.

Tama’s out here in shorts, and the Russians are all bundled up in winter coats and hats.

Nice sleeves, kid.

Aww, Roarke bought Tattoo another car to replace his old one.

So the old lady’s fantasy was to meet her dead husband, but she never does. What a ripoff.

I paid attention to this entire episode, but it wasn’t all that interesting. I feel like Roarke was in almost every scene though, so it shoulda been better than it was.

  • Roarke’s drink: clearish yellow
  • Ominous shot of Roarke drinking: yes
  • Recurring phrases:
    • Roarke: I perused your scientific data, professor. Impressive. Very impressive indeed.
  • Hypnosis: Roarke hypnotizes Irma during the seance to stop her from joining her dead husband. Then he hypnotizes her again later to allow her to join her dead husband.
  • Cost of the fantasy:
    • Dwayne Clebe: I paid every cent we had left over from the Rockwood Industries grant.
  • Action Roarke: He drives Edna Krabappel around while being chased by the CIA and Russians.
  • Recurring characters: Tama dumps out a sack containing pieces of Tattoo’s car.